The Lutron story began in the late 1950s in Joel Spira’s makeshift lab in New York City. In 1959 Spira emerged from his lab with a solid-state dimmer that could replace the common light switch. Joel Spira’s first invention – a simple rotary dimmer can still be found on many dining room walls today – marked the birth of the lighting control industry.
The company has advanced the technology of lighting control while maintaining top market position by focusing on exceptional quality and design. Lutron continues to lead the world wide market in high-quality lighting controls for fluorescent, halogen, incandescent, magnetic low-voltage, electronic low-voltage and LED light sources.
Lutron has also led innovations in window shade technology for the control of daylight, as well as wired and wireless systems, to integrate the control of both daylight and electric light.
Another facet that keeps Lutron successful is the company’s commitment to its customers. Since the beginning, the company has maintained exceptional service, offering 24-hour world wide technical support for its products.
We as a company have been using Lutron as the core of our business. The product is robust, innovative, reliable and unusually in this day and age of the throw away products backwards compatible. Allowing new innovations such as voice activation, smart device and app control from anywhere in the world to be availble in your existing system. We as a company do not want issues with the jobs we commission. You as the end user of a system more importantly do not want issues. We know of many jobs that are 20+ years that are still working reliably today.